学术(社会)兼职:担任Journal of Pineal Research、Journal of Genetics and Genomics 等期刊审稿专家,担任热心肠智库专家、全国生物物理学会肠道菌群分会委员。
2011年-2014年 青岛农业大学 动物科技学院
2014年-2018年 中科院动物所 干细胞与生殖生物学国家重点实验室
2018年-2021年 beat365在线体育唯一正版 beat365官方网站 省部共建草原家畜生殖调控与繁育国家重点实验室 特聘研究员
2022年-至今 beat365在线体育唯一正版 beat365官方网站 省部共建草原家畜生殖调控与繁育国家重点实验室 教授
承担数余项国家自然科学基金和省部级科研项目;以通讯作者或第一作者在Gut、PLoS Genet、J Pineal Res、BMC Biol、Development、FASEB J等国际知名期刊发表SCI论文。
1. Zhang T#, *; Sun P#; Geng Q; Fan HT; Gong YT; Hu YT; Shan LY; Sun YC; Shen W; Zhou Y*; Disrupted spermatogenesis in a metabolic syndrome model: the role of vitamin A metabolism in the gut-testis axis, Gut, 2022 Jan;71(1):78-87. (IF=31.793, 中科院SCI一区, TOP期刊, Corresponding author)
2. Sun YC#; Sun P#; Hu YT#; Shan LY#; Geng Q; Gong, YT; Fan HT; Zhang T*; Zhou Y*; Elevated testicular apoptosis is associated with elevated sphingosine driven by gut microbiota in prediabetic sheep, BMC Biology, 2022. (IF=7.364, 中科院SCI一区, TOP期刊, Corresponding author)
3. Zhou Y; Qin Y; Qin YY; Xu BY; Guo T; Ke HN; Chen M; Zhang LJ; Han F; Li YQ; Chen M; Behrens Axel; Wang YQ; Xu ZH*; Chen ZJ*; Gao F*; Wdr62 is involved in female meiotic initiation via activating JNK signaling and associated with POI in humans, PLoS Genetics, 2018, 14(8): e1007463. (IF=6.02, 中科院SCI一区, TOP期刊, First author)
4. Tian Y; Sun P; Liu WX; Shan LY; Hu YT; Fan HT; Shen W; Liu YB; Zhou Y*; Zhang T*; Single-cell RNA sequencing of the Mongolia sheep testis reveals a conserved and divergent transcriptome landscape of mammalian spermatogenesis, FASEB J, 2022. (IF=5.834, 中科院SCI二区, TOP期刊, Corresponding author)
5. Zhang T#, Zhou Y#, Li L, Zhao Y, De Felici M, Reiter RJ, Shen W; Melatonin protects prepuberal testis from deleterious effects of BPA and DEHP by preserving H3K9 methylation, J Pineal Res, 2018 Sep; 65(2): e12497. (IF=12.081, 中科院SCI一区, TOP期刊, Co-first author)
6. Qin Y#; Zhou Y#; Shen Z#; Xu B; Chen M; Li Y; Chen M; Behrens A; Zhou J; Qi X; Meng W; Wang Y; Gao F*; WDR62 is involved in spindle assembly by interacting with CEP170 in spermatogenesis, Development, 2019, 146(20): dev174128. (IF=6.862, 中科院SCI二区,TOP期刊,Co-first author)
7. Zhang T#; Zhou Y#; Li L; Wang Z; Shen W; Schatten H; Sun QY*; CenpH regulates meiotic G2/M transition by modulating the APC/C-Cdh1-cyclin B1 pathway in oocytes, Development, 2017, 144(2): 305-312.(IF=6.862, 中科院SCI二区,TOP期刊, Co-first author)