高洁,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师。2020年以“学术骨干”层次引进beat365在线体育唯一正版。主要从事动物和人疱疹病毒蛋白的功能及机制等研究,并开发以疱疹病毒为骨架的溶瘤病毒和基因治疗载体。同时积极探索以mRNA为平台的新型牛羊用疫苗,力求为自治区草原家畜疾病防控提供一体化策略。近五年发表4篇论文于病毒学最权威期刊Journal of Virology。担任Veterinary Microbiology和Veterinary Science等杂志审稿人。
E-mail: jie.gao@imu.edu.cn
1. 疱疹病毒蛋白功能和机制研究
2. mRNA疫苗开发
3. 疱疹病毒与细胞程序性死亡
2014.09-2018.11:加拿大Queen’s University,病毒学,博士;
1. Jie Gao,Yan-Dong Tang, Wei Hu, Chunfu Zheng. (2022) “When Poly(A) Binding Proteins Meet Viral I nfections, Including SARS-CoV-2.” Journal of Virology, (病毒学top期刊,JCR 1区)
2. Jie Gao, Renee Finnen, Maxwell Sherry, Valerie Le Sage, and Bruce W.Banfield. (2020) “Differentiating the Roles of UL16, UL21 and Us3 in the Nuclear Egress of Herpes Simplex Virus Capsids.” Journal of Virology. 94(13).(病毒学top期刊,JCR 1区)
3. Jie Gao, Thomas J.M. Hay, Bruce W. Banfield. (2017) “The Product of the Herpes Simplex Virus 2 UL16 Gene Is Critical for the Egress of Capsids from the Nuclei of Infected Cells.” Journal of Virology.Vol.91:e00350-17.(病毒学top期刊,JCR 1区)
4. Jie Gao, Xiaohu Yan, Bruce W. Banfield. (2018) “Comparative analysis of UL16 mutants derived from multiple strains of Herpes Simplex virus (HSV-2) and HSV-1 reveals species- specific requirements for the UL16 protein.” Journal of Virology. Vol.92: e00629-18. (病毒学top期刊,JCR 1区)
5. Jie Gao, Mingshu Wang, Anchun Cheng, et al. (2015) “Identification and characterization of the duck enteritis virus (DEV) US2 gene.” Genetics and Molecular Research. 14 (4): 13779- 13790. (SCI)
6. Jie Gao, Mingshu Wang, Anchun Cheng. (2012) “Characterization of US2 gene and its encoding protein from Herpesvirus.” Reviews in Medical Microbiology. Vol.3: 58-62. (SCI)
7. Jie Gao, Mingshu Wang, Anchun Cheng, et al. (2013) “Analysis of Synonymous Codon Usage in the US2 Gene of Duck Plague Virus.” Advanced Materials Research. Vol.647: 220-226. (EI检索)
8.JieGao,MingshuWang,AnchunCheng.(2012)“BioinformaticsAnalysisoftheComplete Nucleotide Sequence of the Duck Enteritis Virus (DEV) US2 Gene.” Advanced Materials Research. Vol.424-425 (2012), p. 484-487. (EI 检索)
9. Jie Gao, Mingshu Wang, Anchun Cheng. (2012) “Bioinformatics Analysis and Characteristics of US2 Protein Encoded by the Newly Identified US2 Gene of Duck Enteritis Virus.” Advanced Materials Research. Vol.424-425: 493-497. (EI检索)